Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Snapchat v9.26.1.0 APK [Latest]



Enjoy fast and fun mobile conversation! Snap a photo or a video, add a caption, and send it to a friend. They’ll view it, laugh, and then the Snap disappears from the screen – unless they take a screenshot!

You can also add a Snap to your Story with one tap to share your day with all of your friends.

The best conversations happen when both friends are present, so we’ll let you know if your friend is Here in your Chat so that you can give each other your full attention. And if you’re both Here, simply press and hold to share live video – and Chat face-to-face!

Download Snapchat apk is a new and creative way you communicate with your friends and people around the world . With this app , you can send and receive pictures that always have a limited time display . It can control how long your friends can see the text or image you sent. Usually they have a few seconds of viewing, which can leave a very fun game. The snapchat apk warns you if a recipient capture a screenshot of the screen, which allows you to control the use of their images. snapchat apk

To use the app, just tap on ” SIGN UP ” and fill out the registration form. You only need to enter a valid email address, a password and your date of birth.

Happy Snapping!

The Lead Social Network App Snapchat apk

The snapchat is a very fun and popular application that, like most of the genre messengers, lets you send text, photos and videos to friends. However, the program differs from others by the ephemeral of all items, since they can be viewed only for a few seconds. snapchat apk

This temporary mechanical makes much more dynamic and creative communication, since it is not possible to go back on a history to check the content previously published. In addition, this feature also encourages the sharing messages more “hot” because the application ensures that everything will be quickly eliminated after viewed. snapchat apk

The interface is well organized and very easy to master, since it works through self-explanatory buttons and gestures. Another advantage is that the program is properly translated into Portuguese.

The photo quality is satisfactory, but the videos leave a little to be desired, even when the setting is changed in the settings menu. Another drawback is that you need to check your phone number to search for and add friends, as the search for nicknames do not work properly.

 What's New: 

Tag: snapchat, when, ., screenshot, moment, piano tiles, life's, post, love, taking, chat


File Name  :  Snapchat  APK [Latest]
File Size     :  50.9 MB
Publisher    :  not-available
OS Support:  Android

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Snapchat v9.26.1.0 Apk | Mirror

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