Here is a good news for all looters that paytm loot is back again . Using this trick you can earn Rs 50 for every new paytm account you create . Initiate a recharge of Rs 50 , use the coupon code given below , get Rs 50 cashback . now transfer this cashback to a new paytm account and repeat all the steps . Simple ? is it ? lets start looting..
How To Earn unlimited Rs 50 recharge on Paytm :
- First of Goto Paytm offer page from Here
- Now Create a new account by entering your details and verify it
- Now Initiate a top up recharge of Rs 50 & apply promocode for 100% discount :
Make final payment , you will get your Rs 50 cashback within 1 hour .
Unlimited Trick :
- Now Singout and create a new account on paytm with new details .
- Transfer That Rs 50 cashback to this newely made account ( Use paytm wallet for transferring paytm cash from one account to other ) .
- Now again make a recharge of Rs 50 using the code given above .
- make final payment via paytm wallet .
- For this you will get cahsback again .
Just repeat these steps for unlimited times to earn unlimited paytm recharge .
Proof :
Terms and conditions -
- Coupon code is valid for new users only
- Trick works only for paytm unregistred Number and email
- Your paytm account must be verified
- Paytm cash can be used for Mobile Recharge/ DTH/ Shopping, yay! Valid on Once per device
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